‘I don’t want two wishy-washy godmothers,’ Jeannie had said that afternoon in the country hospital when Eliza was only a day old. ‘No dolls. No pink dresses. Just lots of adventures. Lots of spoiling. The pair of you like two mighty warriors protecting her at every step.’ Eliza Miller grew up in Australia as the only daughter of a troubled young mother, but with the constant support of two watchful godmothers, Olivia and Maxie. Despite her tricky childhood, she always felt loved and secure. Until, just before her...

Welcome to our exclusive author interview with the talented and multifaceted Manuel Fernandez. Born in Havana, Cuba in 1959 and raised in Denver, Colorado, Manuel has captivated readers across various genres with his writing and illustrations. From his heartwarming children's story "The Little Blue Fish" to his inspiring self-help book "Pick Me Up," which shares a powerful account of his near-death experience and subsequent recovery, Manuel's work speaks to readers of all ages and backgrounds. Manuel has also made his mark in the science fiction realm, penning the popular...

You read fantasy because of the time period right: dreaming of being a sheep farmer, living on some hill with a bunch of kids. No? Ok, well it must be because you reminisce on the good times and think to yourself that you were born in the wrong era and if you could just find a way to time-travel yourself back to the days of swords and boards right. No? Well, it must be because you have an obsession with characters with awesome abilities. Yes? I knew that...